Michael Oher says he was never adopted

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Retired NFL player Michael Oher was not adopted by a rich white family as depicted in the 2009 movie "The Blind Side,

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His family reportedly used influence over him to increase their money at his cost.

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Oher argues in court filings submitted on Monday in Tennessee that Sean and Leigh Anne Tuohy did not adopt him.

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but instead tricked him into appointing them as his conservators shortly after turning 18.

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According to Oher's petition, the Tuohys were able to sign contracts as conservators that brought them and their two biological children millions of dollars. 

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Each member of the family reportedly received $225,000 in addition to 2.5% of the movie's "defined net proceeds."

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According to the report, none of the more than $300 million the movie made went to Oher.

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20th Century Fox Studios purportedly received life rights to Oher's story without payment under a separate 2007 agreement.

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The Tuohys have continued to refer to Oher as their son despite their lack of response to the accusations.

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Leigh Motivational speaker Anne Tuohy frequently uses The Blind Side narrative in her presentations.

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For her performance as Tuohy in the movie, Sandra Bullock received an Oscar.

