What is Maximalist Interior Design?

The over-the-top maximalist design incorporates layers upon layers of vibrant colors, patterns, textures, and meaningful items

.Maximalism takes your personal preferences and favorite pieces of art, furniture, treasures, and decor and dials it up to ten by having it all on display, hopefully in a somewhat coordinated fashion.

The maximalist interior design style has roots spanning back several centuries, with the Victorian era

Is maximalist interior design popular?

Over the last couple of years, maximalist designs have had a resurgence in popularity due to the vivid vibrancy inherent in the style—it makes for great inspiration on social media

Maximalism is particularly popular with millennials and younger generations who enjoy making spaces their own, turning away from stark minimalistic styles that can be rigid and lack personality.

Brief History of Maximalist Design Back then, maximalist decor (even if it wasn’t called that at the time) was all about showing off wealth by displaying treasures, luxurious textures, decor, and collections

In fact, a couple other interior design styles share the maximalist principle of showing off your beloved items, such as English cottage and French country. These design types are all about layering accessories and decor that feel good to you.

