10 American House Design Ideas

Tudor Revival homes draw inspiration from English Tudor architecture

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Southern Plantation homes are known for their grandeur and elegance

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Contemporary Farmhouse homes combine the warmth of traditional farmhouse design with modern sensibilities

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Spanish Revival homes showcase the influence of Spanish Colonial and Mediterranean architecture

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Neoclassical homes draw inspiration from ancient Greek and Roman architecture

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Shingle Style homes are characterized by their extensive use of shingle siding, irregular rooflines, and asymmetrical designs.

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Modern Farmhouse homes combine the charm of traditional farmhouse design with contemporary elements.

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These American homes evoke a sense of romance and mystery, reminiscent of medieval European architecture in house design USA

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International Style homes embrace the principles of modernist architecture and emphasize functionality and simplicity.

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Prairie Style homes, popularized by architect Frank Lloyd Wright, celebrate horizontal lines, open spaces, and a connection to the surrounding landscape.

